{Magazine Review: Country Homes and Interiors June 2010}

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

{Magazine Review: Country Homes and Interiors June 2010}

After reading this great post by the lovely Lousie of Table Tonic, I felt inspired to pick up a copy of the UK's equivalent 'modern' country interiors mag - Country Homes and Interiors. Country-centric interiors are a tough one for me becuase I either love them or hate them. There's no in between for me really. The June issue of the mag airs on the side of delicious! Check out that kitchen (4), I'd love to have a central pots and pans hanging thingy and it's nice to see the country take on the big time interiors trend of the moment - brights (7, 8).

Flick though the digital preview, here.

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