Three Inspirations: Art Wall, Graphic Paper & Wooden Beams

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Three Inspirations: Art Wall, Graphic Paper & Wooden Beams

In the last few days these three images have really inspired me. As you might know I am currently creating an art wall for our dining area wall (I painted the wall navy blue in preparation last weekend), and this eclectic and colourful collection of art has certainly inspired some of the next steps. As for that graph wallpaper? I love it! Graphic, modern and stylish - plus, as it's not too strong it makes a great background for brighter colours and striking furniture; I like how it frames the four poster bed. Finally, this florist's space has these charming beams which have a cosy, rustic and romantic feel (the latter is possibly encouraged by the twinkling white lights adorning them, but still!). What's inspiring you today, friends?
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