{10 Things I Learned This Weekend...}

Monday, August 16, 2010

{10 Things I Learned This Weekend...}

1. The faithful family barbie cooked up a feast for fifty plus revellers!
2. A Sunday afternoon stroll through a traditional village in the heart of the British countryside really made me appreciate the wonderful country I live in.
3. No 30th birthday party is complete without over sized, poppy pink balloons.
4. Friday night was pizza night - capers, semi-dried tomatoes, goats cheese and oregano. I fed my tummy some happy.
5. Any lane called 'The Cathedral Green' gets my vote. Totally charming.

6. IKEA's new collection features these sexy grey covers for their Karlstad range. It was love at first sight.
7. People might look at you funny if you take pictures of magazines in the grocery store. What can I say? If I see decor mag goodness, then it needs to be shared with you guys!
8. I was delighted to find out that I have won the Paper Anniversary giveaway on Keely's Luxe and Lillies blog. The phrase I suggested for a new line of cards - "Cocktails, soon?" - is even going to be made...exciting!
9. Jules' round up of the recent Las Vegas Market featured these yellow vases. Could they be any more perfect for me?! Love them.
10. I love that feeling of walking through your own front door after a weekend away. That said, it doesn't mean we didn't spend the four-hour car journey planning our next trip to NYC!

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