{10 Things I Learned This Weekend...}

Monday, July 26, 2010

{10 Things I Learned This Weekend...}

1. I can be sensible on a walk through the park for about five minutes...
2. ...before I start fooling around...
3. ...and jumping!
4. With great difficulty I managed to get past the molten chocolate stage of baking brownies without eating it all there and then.
5. It took a couple of blackouts before getting the new bedroom light fitted successfully.

6. Most.Inviting.Bed.Ever.Seen
7. Looking for secondhand bargains in France? Look here.
8. Yes, fall I am ready for you. Especially if you come in nice J Crew shaped parcels.
9. Favourite image from a lovely new blog discovery.
10. Grey jumper and grey tie? Preptastic and I love it!

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