{Guest Post: Ochre}

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

{Guest Post: Ochre}

I'm delighted to have the hugely talented Michelle standing in for me today. Be sure to head over to her blog and check out her great sense of style. Thanks for guest posting, Michelle! P.S. Your colour choice is divine.
I’m Michelle and Holley & Gill is my blog. The lovely and talented Will has asked me to fill in for him today while he’s away. His assigned topic: anything COLOUR of course.

Colour theories are numerous and complex. During my Fine Arts degree, we had classes dedicated to a multitude of them. The colour wheel, the absence or abundance of light, the visual impacts of specific color combinations, so many different cases to study and to understand. One of the exercises we did during my school days has been stuck in my mind since then. It was a simple question but most of us, surprisingly, had a really difficult time with our answer.

If you were to single out only one colour which would encompass you, your traits and your personality, what colour would it be?

I can’t remember what my answer was then, but since I’m able to sit and really think about it now, my answer would be ochre. Ochre, a golden yellow with a tiny hint of brown to keep its brightness at bay. I adore it and always find myself gravitating towards it. It sends off a message of lightness, mirrors a deep and saturated sunshine, yet with its modesty and golden hue, a touch of class as well. Don’t you think? What would your answer be?

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